Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A new job, a new city, and a whole new me?

So here's the deal as I have graduated from college it seemed like I should get a job that didn't involve me supervising 15 year olds and smelling like fried seafood at the end of every night. I started applying for jobs a few weeks after I moved back in with my parents, which, I'm not going to lie was even more of a motivation to get a new job. I trolled website after website. I'm not lying when I tell you this, I checked higheredjobs.com and studentaffairs.com about 5 times a day to see if there were new postings. On top of that I'm wonderful Wesley did the same. Frequently giving me URLs for jobs I already applied for or ones I was in the process of applying for. (Seriously, how cute is he?)

Anyway, around the second week in August I got a phone call from Becker College in Worcester asking if I would like to have a phone interview with them. Umm, yeah, duh? Well one thing led to another and before I knew it I was loading up my car and trucking to Worcester. I moved into an empty Residence Hall/Old House. Into an apartment with no furniture and I was scared out of my mind.

I will have been here for a week as of tomorrow, and I still don't know how I feel about. I've been lucky enough to have Wes, who has been through the same situation...except he was 4,000 miles from home (He's from Ohio) in Alaska and I'm an hour and a half. I've had a really tough time here getting used to the a city I know absolutely nothing about. It took me 2 hours to find the fucking Target the other day!!! Seriously, who the fuck does that? I do!

On top of all that I've been contemplating a few things. I mean, ok so in College I was Eve the RA, Company Manager of the Theatre Company, the person in charge of organizing so many things. People knew who I was and they knew if I was involved with something it would at least be organized. At times I felt like a go to person. Here, I don't know anyone. I don't know anything. Hell, I don't even know which direction to drive in to find Stop & Shop! I'm starting all over again. For me going to college was as easy as pie. I knew it was too easy for me in the beginning. I'm paying for it now. I'm not a fucking adult! Ok, sometimes I am. I don't know what I like the least about not being a college student: Not being around my friends or Not being involved with everything I could ever want to be.

I know its just going to take some time to adjust, but I feel like its going to be a long process. Ok maybe not too long, but I have a feeling that I'll at least last until I get a bed to sleep on.

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