Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I just want to have Fun...with the Boys

I'm that girl. That girl that every girlfriend dreads...NO NOT THE HOME WRECKER...well not anymore. (that was a one time freshman year of college thing) I'm the girl that your boyfriend hangs out with one on one and invites to hang out with his boys. I'm that friend. The girl that can chug a beer better than most frat boys. The girl that can get down and dirty in the mud playing football and not give a shit if she breaks a nail. The girl that knows how to use an electric drill, a chop saw, and a table saw. And on top of all that looks damn good in a little black dress and stiletto heels.

My closest friends are guys, and contrary to popular belief I do not want to have sex with any of them. In fact it's all beers and burping until one of them gets a girlfriend. That's when the shit hits the fan. After meeting me even if it's only a quick introduction will without fail HATE me. I don't even have to do anything. Based on that I hang out with them on a regular basis, frequently alone, they don't like me. That really upsets me. But the worst part is that I really want to see my friends happy, but when I'm disliked by someone that brings that happiness it's really hard.

I think what bothers me the most about my situation are the movies that help form me into the pining friend stereotype. The movie that really rings this true to home is My Best Friend's Wedding. While I don't have a pact to get married to any of my friends nor am I attracted to any of them, but we are close like that. I'm not just sitting around waiting for one of them to get married or break up with a girlfriend to make a move, it's just not what I do. And I don't care how good looking the guys are, cause I have some hot guy friends, it still doesn't make me want them.

This shit happens in Hollywood too. When a celebrity is seen with a member of the opposite sex they're automatically fucking. Sometimes I feel like everyone on campus is a member of the paparatzi. At least once a week I get asked, "Are you with [fill in the blank with friends name]?" or "What's up with you and [fill in the blank with friends name]?" My answers are no and nothing!

For the record there's nothing going on between me and my guy friends. I mean I might even be going to a batcholar party...how much more guy like can you get?

1 comment:

TimmFreitas said...

heck yes for bachelor parties...ill have to run it by my best man first though!