Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Babies! Babies EVERYWHERE!

In the past few weeks it has come to my attention that there are babies EVERYWHERE. I know, I know there are always babies around. I just don't usually notice them. And, NO I'm not noticing them now because I think I'm pregnant or something like that, so get that out of your minds right fucking now!

Its just that lately, more than ever, I've seen/been in contact/around more babies than ever before. One thing you need to realize, if you haven't already, is that I'm not your average girl. I'm not really into the color pink, I don't give a shit if I break a nail, and babies aren't really my thing. I didn't babysit when I was younger and I've never changed a diaper. The following story is fantastic evidence that people don't see me as the girlie/motherly type. Recently, I was at a work dinner with a bunch of my guy friends when one of my supervisors came in with her 8 month old son. I was holding him (and I will admit he's adorable.) and the guys all whipped out there camera phones making statements like, "Oh my god, Retha's being girlie!" and "Retha, you know how to hold a baby?" Since then all of these pictures are taken out and shown to me whenever I say things about not being a good girl and such. Continuing on, so, why all of a sudden am I noticing so many babies?

At this juncture in my life I defiantly don't want one. In the future I know I want a couple of them, but I just can't deal with that kind of thing now. When I have mine I want to be an a solid relationship and possibly married. Babies are a huge responsibility and as this point I am not mature enough to deal with that.

Anyway back to babies everywhere. TV, radio, movies, malls, my job. EVERYWHERE. I swear if I turn on E! Entertainment television one more time and there's a special all about babies I might scream. The Discovery channel is one of my favorites. I watch it religiously. However I HATE turning on the TV and hoping that the Deadliest Catch (my absolute favorite show Discovery has to offer) is on and finding A Baby Story! Seriously, what the fuck! I don't want to watch this crap! BUT lately I have been. I don't know what's wrong with me. The show gives me two of the most opposite reactions. I want to punch a baby in the face, but at the same time my ovaries hurt (in that wow that baby is cute and maybe I want to have one kind of way). But I don't want one!

I blame the world for this. Stop thrusting babies in my face. When I want one I'll come to that conclusion all by myself. I don't need TV, adorable babies, and women pushing their strollers down the street to tell me. When I'm good and ready then I'll have one, so get off my back world. There are too many fucking people around as it is and there doesn't need to be one more.

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